I. General

Data protection

The ISIS IC GmbH takes data protection very seriously. So we set up the CONNY CO2 Ampel and the corresponding  app CONNY CO2 Ampel (in the following called mobile app), in a manner which collects a minimum of personal data and savest hem only for a very limited time span. If you decide to use the CONNY CO2 Ampeln, you agree that this data will be collected, used and saved. It is our duty to handle these personal data with the highest care.

Term of personal data

Personal data are single information, which can be used to draw conclusions about the identity and the facutal circumsatnces of a person (or groups of people). Included in this are for example the official name, adress, phone number, emailadress, and so on. Data which is not personal, is data which can not be used to directly draw conclusions about the identity or the factual circumstances of an individual person for example the number of downloads of the mobile app.

Access rights

To propably use the mobile app, it is necessary for the app to have certain access rights.

The following acess rights have tob e given to the mobile app:

Access rights for piuctures, media and data files – to enable the audible alarm.
(The mobile app does not acess pictures or data files, but the operating system summarises these access rights.)

Collectin and usage of persoanl data

For the usage of the mobile app the collection of personal data is indispensable.

The following data is collected, saved and used by the mobile app (including all concerened components):

Your account:

Your account will only be used to configure and set up the CONNY CO2 Ampel within the mobile app.

The following data will be collected, used and saved for your:

The data can be actiley be deletred by the user via deleting their account in the mobile app. An automatic deletion is not intended, due to this indereing the functionality oft he app.


CONNY CO2 Ampel:

Wifi- Configuration

CONNY CO2 Ampel configures itself cyclically from the cloud. This includes:

The configuration details are being cyclically obtained from the cloud. This overwrites the prior configuration.

 The data downloaded from the cloud is shortly deposited in the random access memory (RAM) of CONNY CO2 Ampel. If the device is being cut off from power, the configuration data is irretrievably deleted from the device. Further, there are preset standard configurations that are copied automatically into the RAM, once the device is restarted (given access to power). (This is necessary due to technical reasons.)


CONNY CO2 Ampel App:

The mobile app creates a cloud account. For this account, it is possible to save access data locally in the app. The app saves the access data shortly on the device within the RAM. The data is being deleted automatically, as soon as the app has been closed. The app saves (permanently on the smart device) the received push notifications (for example exceeding the thresholds). These notifications can be deleted manually by the user.



CONNY CO2 Ampel cloud server:

CO2 sensor and temperature, as well as humidity on the inside of the housing, are being saved cyclically (all 2 minutes) on the cloud server:  The cloud only saves the sensors values of the last 30 days. Older values are deleted automatically. It is possible that the automatic deletion is delayed by two to three days due to technical circumstances.


General technical logfile of the server

The CONNY CO2 Ampel cloud is located on a server on the internet. This server logs general activities of the system and is used solely for error analysis. This includes:

The technically necessary logfiles are saved up to 90 days depending on the importance of their log-information. Older data is deleted automatically. 


Data transfer

The ISIS IC GmbH treats your data strictly confidential and categorically does not pass your data to a third party. Excluded from this is personal data, which is sent to the person who is to be warned, via push notifications. This data is sent on android systems via Firebase and on IOS with Firebase and Apple Push notification-service. This information is transmitted to the user, which is to be warned and published in this way. The data transfer is necessary for the alarm-function.

The following data is transferred by the CONNY CO2 Ampel via push notification:

Name of the  CONNY CO2 Ampel and in case, corresponding groups (as indicated by the user)  

Timestamp (exact time of the alarm)

Explicit IDs for groups and devices (technical requirements)

Optional third-party-cloud connection (if explicitly configurated by the user or reseller)

 The following data is uploaded from the CONNY CO2 Ampel to a third-party cloud:


The storage of this data is the responsibility of the third-party cloud provider.


If you use the CONNY CO2 Ampeln, you consent to the collection, storage, and usage according to the Bundesdatenschutzgesetzes / the EU Data Protection Regulation. The personal data is only accessible to the ISIS IC GmbH. The only exception for this is the personal data that is transferred via push notifications. This personal data may be accessible for Firebase and Apple. A withdrawal of your consent is possible at any time via mail at datenschutz@isis-ic.com. If you withdraw your consent, you can no longer use the CONNY CO2 Ampel.


Changes to the privacy policy

The ISIS IC keeps the right to change the privacy policy at anytime, in accordance with the law.


II. Legal Note

All information by CONNY CO2 Ampel is without guarantee. We can not guarantee, that all data at any point in time and in its entirety will be up to date. We want to make you aware, that units of the CONNY CO2 Ampel may be subject to technical inaccuracies or typographic errors. We reserve the right to change the firmware of the CONNY CO2 Ampel for following product batches. In no case is the ISIS IC GmbH liable towards you or third parties for any direct or indirect, specific or general, consequential damages, which are linked to the usage of the CONNY CO2 Ampel. The ISIS IC GmbH is also not liable for any lost profit, interrupted operations, loss of programs, or other data within your information system. This also applies, if we clearly expressed that these damages might occur.

User rights

Users have the right to request a non-renumerated disclosure concerning their personal data which was saved by us.

Further, the user has the right, that wrong data is corrected and to limit the usage and deletion of their personal data. If applicable, the user has the right to invoke their right of data portability. They also have the right to issue a complaint at the competent authority, in case of wrongful data processing.

Users can revoke their consent, with an impact on the future.

Deletion of data

The data which is stored with us is deleted, as soon as it is no longer necessary to achieve its intended purpose, and the deletion does not contradict legal retention requirements. If the data of the users are not deleted, because they are necessary for other, legal, purposes, the processing will be limited. This means, that the data will be locked and not used for other purposes. This applies, for example to data, which needs to be stored due to commercial- or tax-law purposes. Following legal requirements, the data will be stored for six years in accordance with § 257 Abs. 1 HGB (trading books, inventory, opening balance, annual accounts, commercial letter, accounting records, etc.) and ten years in accordance with § 147 Abs. 1 AO (books, records, status reports, accounting records, commercial letters, documents relevant for taxation, etc.).

Cancellation rights

Users can at any point in time, dissent the prospective processing of their personal data in accordance with the law. The cancelation right can especially be used against the processing of the data for direct advertising.

III. Contact

If you have any concerns or question surrounding the topic of the privacy policy, or in case you need further information, clarifications, corrections, blocking or deletion of data, or withdrawal of consent or dissent from a specific data processing, please contact us via mail at datenschutz@isis-ic.com or use the given address and phone number. 



Data protection officer:

Timo Peraglie - ISIS IC GmbH, Wesel





Handelsweg 2

46485 Wesel

+49281 338 39 0

Date: 07.01.2021

Version 1.1